Here for you.

Here for life.

As the administrator of one of the oldest pension plans in Canada, OPB is focused on the future of the PSPP. This means ensuring that our governance, leadership and strategies position us well for success not just today but for many years to come.”

Geri Markvoort, Chair
Total return
versus -7.8% in 2022
Funded status
* The 10-year funding plan we have in place means that the PSPP remains well funded
Net Assets
in assets
Client Service
client service satisfaction
Total Membership
active, deferred, retired members and survivors
Here for you.
Here for life.
Geri Markvoort
Geri Markvoort
Board Chair
Mark Fuller
Mark Fuller
President & CEO

Welcome from our Chair and CEO

In 2023, we updated our purpose statement. In essence, we put into carefully chosen words what has always been true of OPB. We were created to help ensure that our members – public servants who had worked for the people and Government of Ontario – could plan for a retirement in which they can thrive and continue contributing to their communities. At the Ontario Pension Board, our vision is to be a premier pension delivery organization and a trusted advisor to all our stakeholders. Focusing on our Advise and Protect mission, which shapes our strategy, guides our steps and sets us apart from our peers, 2023 was a pivotal year for OPB. We advanced our critical pension modernization initiative, which, as it is implemented, will help enhance our service offering for years to come. We strengthened our embrace of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles and increased our efforts to provide a diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace. We announced the coming retirement of two leaders who helped us manage critical challenges and reach crucial milestones. We chose a dynamic executive to lead us during our next stage of growth and evolution. The choices we made, the measures we executed and the goals we achieved will ensure that we continue to keep our promises and fulfil our purpose.

To all our stakeholders, we are here for you, here for life.

State of the plan
In a demanding year, we moved forward on initiatives to support our people, enhance our service and strengthen our Plan.
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