
OPB believes that addressing ESG issues, both within our corporate operations and our investments, is critically important to ensuring our long-term success as an organization and our ability to keep the pension promise for generations to come. We are committed to continuing to make progress on ESG.

OPB’s Focus Looking Forward

Our first report focuses on providing an overview of the work and activities we have undertaken in recent years to advance our ESG practices. Looking ahead, we expect to mature our ESG reporting and start to report against metrics and benchmarks that are material for OPB.

As we move forward, we will stay focused on strong governance, advancing DEI within our organization and working with IMCO to effectively address climate risk and opportunities as well as ESG within our investment portfolio.

In particular, we will:

Continue to monitor IMCO’s progress and provide feedback on developments
Monitor pension and investment industry trends in ESG best practices and incorporate them where appropriate
Work with the DEI Advisory Council to continue building out a roadmap to keep advancing DEI within OPB
Continue to offer educational opportunities and develop and share informative content to help foster a better understanding of DEI issues
Enhance our client communications on ESG and transparency on ESG activities