2014 annual report
Members of OPB’s Board of Directors are appointed based on their expertise, commitment, integrity and vision. Working together, they ensure the Plan’s governance structure and practices reflect the highest standards.

M. Vincenza Sera, ICD.D (Chair)
A former investment banker with 25 years of expertise in capital markets, corporate finance, investment management, and corporate governance. She has held senior positions with major Canadian firms, including National Bank Financial, Gordon Capital, and CIBC. Vincenza is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Appointed to the Board on September 17, 2004.
Appointed as Chair on July 1, 2007.
Current appointment ends June 30, 2016.

Patti Croft ICD.D (Vice-Chair)
Patti has over 30 years of experience as an economist, with extensive institutional investment management experience, focusing on asset allocation strategies. She has held a number of high-profile positions, including Vice-President and Chief Economist for Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management, Chief Economist for RBC Global Asset Management, and Vice-President and Chief Economist for Sceptre Investment Counsel. Patti is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Appointed to the Board on May 1, 2013.
Appointed as Vice-Chair on December 3, 2014.
Current appointment ends April 30, 2016.

M. David R. Brown
A former managing principal at Eckler Ltd., a leading Canadian actuarial consulting firm. During a career spanning more than 40 years, David has consulted to pension clients in both the private and public sectors, served on the Pension Commission of Ontario, and held numerous positions with professional organizations.
Appointed to the Board on October 25, 2006.
Current appointment ends October 24, 2015.

M.E. (Peggy) Gilmour ICD.D
Peggy is a Chartered Professional Accountant and senior finance executive with extensive experience in the financial services sector. Peggy has held executive roles in finance, risk management and operations in both the banking and insurance industries. Peggy is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Appointed to the Board on August 12, 2009.
Current appointment ends August 14, 2015.

Sean Hanley
Sean Hanley is counsel with the Constitutional Law Branch, Ministry of the Attorney General. As past president of the Association of Law Officers of the Crown, he established a successful track record of advocacy on behalf of public sector lawyers in collective bargaining, pension sustainability, defending professional employees’ rights and independence in the workplace, and promoting continuing professional development for public sector lawyers. He was also the founder of the National Pension Strategy Committee of the Canadian Association of Crown Counsel, which co-ordinates education and advocacy with respect to public sector pension developments affecting Crown counsel in all Canadian jurisdictions.
Appointed to the Board on December 3, 2014.
Current appointment ends December 2, 2017.

Hugh G. Mackenzie ICD.D
Principal in his own economic consulting business and a Research Associate of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He has worked for over 30 years in the trade union and non-profit sectors, as well as in all three levels of government. He is past chair of the Atkinson Charitable Foundation and was a member of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board from 2007 to 2014. Hugh is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Appointed to the Board on December 4, 2002.
Current appointment ends September 30, 2017.

Geri Markvoort
Geri is a retired senior human resource executive, with 40 years’ experience in large complex organizations. She has aligned the delivery of human resources with the needs of business in various industries (Shell Canada, Quality Safety Systems, Jannock, CIBC, KPMG and KPMG Global). Significant organizational change, global service models, total rewards delivery, effective client relationship and the evolution of the HR function have challenged and engaged her throughout her career. A passionate champion for change and strong HR leadership. Her board experience has included governance roles as Chair of the Board of Governors, George Brown College; Chair of the Board, Dress for Success Toronto; and board member of Lawn Summer Nights and the Cystic Fibrosis, Toronto Chapter.
Appointed to the Board on January 5, 2015.
Current appointment ends January 4, 2018.
Former Members of the Board
Urban Joseph
Appointed to the Board on July 1, 2004.
Re-assigned to another government agency on January 20, 2014.
Shamira Madhany
Appointed to the Board on December 8, 2010.
Appointment ended February 15, 2015.
Karl Walsh
Appointed to the Board on August 15, 2012.
Appointment ended March 18, 2015.
Anthony (Tony) Wohlfarth
Appointed to the Board on September 1, 2005.
Appointment ended August 31, 2014.